Recognized cat breed

The Maine Coon was first recognized by the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) and the American Fanciers Cat Association (ACFA) in 1967. Other cat associations followed. The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) supports in 1976.

Because different cat associations exist, we also have to deal with varying standards of the breed. The most commonly used measures are those of the FiFé, the TICA, and the CFA.

However, in general, the differences are minimal. All describe a well-muscled, large cat, with a square muzzle, a round forehead, and a curve in the nose line, large, upright ears with tufts and long ear hairs. The coat is semi-long but slightly shorter on the head, legs, and shoulders and longer on the flanks, belly, and trousers. The tail is long and full of fur. A collar is very desirable. All colors are allowed except the point drawing, the colors chocolate, cinnamon, lilac and fawn, and the Burmese factors. Any amount of white is permitted, as well as all eye colors.

The differences in breed standards are nuances; for example, when we talk about a big cat, how big is that?

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The year 2000

In the years 2000, the breed really took off, and the Maine Coon became the most popular (half) longhaired breed. Today, the Maine Coon is often the best-represented breed at shows in Europe. It usually ends up in the top three of popularity charts.

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